LoLa Standard Library

This file documents the LoLa Standard Library, a set of basic routines to enable LoLa programs.

String API

Length(string): number

Returns the length of the string.

SubString(string, start, [length]): string

Returns a portion of string. The portion starts at start and is length bytes long. If length is not given, only the start of the string is cut.

Trim(string): string

Removes leading and trailing white space from the string. White space is on of the following ascii characters:

  • 0x09 (horizontal tab)
  • 0x0A (line feed)
  • 0x0B (vertical tab)
  • 0x0C (form feed)
  • 0x0D (carriage return)
  • 0x20 (space)

TrimLeft(string): string

Removes leading white space from the string.

TrimRight(string): string

Removes trailing white space from the string.

IndexOf(string, text): number|void

Searches for the first occurrence text in string, returns the offset to the start in bytes. If text is not found, void is returned.

LastIndexOf(string, text): number|void

Searches for the last occurrence of text in string, returns the offset to the start in bytes. If text is not found, void is returned.

Byte(string): number

Returns the first byte of the string as a number value. If the string is empty, void is returned, if the string contains more than one byte, still only the first byte is considered.

Chr(byte): string

Returns a string of the length 1 containing byte as a byte value.

NumToString(num, [base]=10): string

Converts the number num into a string represenation to base base. If base is given, it will format the integer value of the number to base, otherwise, a decimal floating point output will be given.

StringToNum(str, [base]=10): number|void

Converts the string str to a number. If base is not given, the number is assumed to be base 10 and a floating point value. Otherwise, base is used as the numeric base for conversion, and only integer values are accepted.

If the conversion fails, void is returned.

If base is 16, 0x is accepted as a prefix, and h as a postfix.

Split(str, sep, [removeEmpty]): array

Splits the string str into chunks separated by sep. When removeEmpty is given and true, all empty entries will be removed.

Join(array, [sep]): string

Joins all items in array, optionally separated by sep. Each item in array must be a string.

Array API

Array(count, [init]): array

Returns an array with count items initialized with init if given. Otherwise, the array will be filled with void.

Range(count): array

Returns an array with count increasing numbers starting at 0.

Range(start, count)

Returns an array with count increasing numbers starting at start.

Length(array): number

Returns the number of items in array.

Slice(array, start, length): array

Returns a portion of the array, starting at index (inclusive) and taking up to length items from the array. If less items are possible, an empty array is returned.

IndexOf(array, item): number|void

Returns the index of a given item in array. If the item is not found, void is returned.

LastIndexOf(array, item): number|void

Returns the last index of a given item in array. If the item is not found, void is returned.


Pi: number

Global constant containing the number pi.

DeltaEqual(a, b, delta): boolean

Compares a and b with a certain delta. Returns true when abs(a-b) < delta.

``Floor(x): number`

Rounds x towards negative infinity.

``Ceiling(x): number`

Rounds x towards positive infinity.

``Round(x): number`

Rounds x to the closest integer.

Sin(a): number, Cos(a): number, Tan(a): number

Trigonometric functions, all use radians.

Atan(y, [x]): number

Calculates the arcus tangens of y, and, if x is given, divides y by x before.

Use the two-parameter version for higher precision.

Sqrt(x): number

Calculates the square root of x.

Pow(v, e): number

Returns v to the power of e.

Log(v, [base]): number

Returns the logarithm of v to base base. If base is not given, base 10 is used.

Exp(v): number

Returns e to the power of v. e is the euler number.

Random([min],[max]): number

Returns a random number between min and max. If no argument is given, a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 is returned. If only min is given, a number between 0.0 and min (inclusive) is returned.

RandomInt([min],[max]): number

Returns a random integer between min and max. If no argument is given, a random positive number is returned. If only min is given, a number between 0 and min (exclusive) is returned.


Sleep(secs): void

Sleeps for secs seconds.

Timestamp(): number

Returns the current wall clock time as a unix timestamp.

TypeOf(arg): string

Returns the type of the argument as a string. Returns one of the following:

"void", "boolean", "string", "number", "object", "array"

ToString(val): string

Converts the input val into a string representation.

HasFunction(name): boolean

Returns true if the current environment has a function called name, false otherwise.

HasFunction(object, name): boolean

Returns true if the object has a function called name, false otherwise.

Serialize(value): string

Serializes any value into a binary representation. This representation can later be loaded by via Deserialize and return the exact same value again. Note that objects are stored as opaque handles and are not transferrable between different systems.

Deserialize(string): any

Deserializes a previously serialized value. If the deserialization fails, a panic will occurr.

Yield(): void

This function will yield control back to the host, pausing the current execution. This can be inserted in loops to reduce CPU usage.